Ahhhh (sigh)…finally, a break from school! This is the time
when I don’t feel too bad or too guilty about working on my writing and reading
the Bible and devotions that enlighten me. Don’t get me wrong, I am always
enlightened with my nursing classes and the different topics that we go over
and discuss including ethical nursing care, leadership, management, and so
forth. However, it is a requirement, nonetheless. For whatever reason, requirements seem to be more dreadful
than other things we voluntarily do--things that interest us and feed our
souls, things that shape us into who we are and who we have yet to become,
things that we read about and through it we learn some valuable information
about ourselves. With that said, I am going to spend my pastime during this
winter break to indulge in what I love doing—and that is reading what I want to
read and writing my thoughts down.
With Christmas behind us, and the crazy hectic schedule in
our past now, we have something to look forward to. 2014 is knocking at our
front door, are we ready for it? We just had a full year behind us. Do we ever
get a chance to evaluate and analyze all the happenings and our growth this
past year? Or should we just ready ourselves for this next year without
reflection of the past year?
Personally, I like to look back at my year before this year
ends and go over my accomplishments, failures, lessons, obstacles, and how
those different things intertwined and shaped me into who I am today. Most
importantly, in God’s eyes, did I have my act together? Maybe He is saying,
“Hmmm. Not shaping like I’d hoped.” And, if that is the case, God is a forgiving
God! His love never fails, never gives up, and never runs out on me. I will
continue to allow the Lord to shape me into His image and watch as He turns the
situations in my life around.
And, as I sit here and think about my past year, I think of those
Tuesday evenings spent with my wonderful friend, Linda Bible studying and
talking about our week. We share our stories and find resolutions to the
problems in our lives with the guidance of Our God. How much I have grown
through the counsel of a godly friend like Linda and I am forever thankful for
her friendship.
I also think of the obstacles I overcame. There were
definitely challenging moments…moments that left me on my knees praying to God,
asking for His direction because He promises to “make our paths straight”
(Proverbs 3:6, NIV). He is always at work in our lives, even during the most challenging
and stress-filled moments. When we hand over everything we are and everything
we have to God, when we rest upon his Truth instead of our own understanding
and choose to walk in obedience, we can count on God for direction. And this is
what I will continue to do into my new year. Yes, I am excited about the New
Year, a fresh start, a brand new set of days filled with new dreams and
unmarked possibilities, but I also know that I will be faced with new
challenges. Challenges that I will perhaps question and may not understand fully
why they happen the way they do, but I know that God will be with me every step
of the way. With that said, I would like to end with a verse from the Bible
reflecting on our New Year and what is to come:
“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:30-34, NIV).
Planning for tomorrow is time well spent; worrying about
tomorrow is time wasted. Careful planning is going over goals, steps, and
schedules, and trusting in God’s guidance. Worry, in contrast, is consumed by
fear and makes it difficult for us to trust God. And when we trust God with our
plans, we need not to worry about a thing!
May you have a wonderful New Year filled with love, joy,
peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and
self-control for these are the gifts to a starving world (Galatians 5:22-23).
God Bless,