In my research of the topic, ‘dysfunctional family’, many
articles come up in the ways of what a dysfunctional family comprises of. There
are many factors involved, the different relationships between members of the
family, the subsystems that are in control, the transactions that are made in
the family’s structure, and the feelings and emotions that the members
experience individually and as a family. The family structural theory can
definitely be used to determine whether or not a family is dysfunctional. Many
factors, when combined, are able to determine this conclusion. However, we must
first define what a functional family means.
According to Salvador Minuchin, the family structural
theory focuses on the family as a unit and how each member interacts and relate
to one another. Along those lines, the family members belong to subsystems
within the family: the husband and wife—spousal, parental—the relationship
between the parents and the children, and siblings’ relationship (Vetere,
2001). In a family, there is also a structure of how the family functions and
there are also boundaries that are identifying factors to determine whether the
family is healthy and functional, or not. And, when those boundaries are
crossed between the members and the subsystems leading to the breaking of the
family structure, these anomalies result in a dysfunctional family (Connell,
Dysfunctional families come in all sizes, shapes and
forms. When one factor is lacking, absent, or misconstrued out of the main
premises of the family structural theory: structure, subsystems, and
boundaries, the family is then identified as being dysfunctional (Connell, 2010).
For instance, in my personal situation, currently, I am not communicating with
my sisters due to the fact that they have disrespected my immediate family in a
distorting manner that even authorities have questioned what possessed for them
to behave in such ill manner and disrespect. They have humiliated my husband
and me through the process, and had the audacity to involve my 8-year-old
daughter through all of their misbehaviors and name-calling. Therefore, I have
chosen to not communicate with them or allow for my daughter to visit with them
because of the negative influences that they have on my daughter and our
family. This is an example of a dysfunctional extended family. And this is not
a recent case that happened just last year, but the dysfunctional part of it
has built up and accumulated over time. It is a dysfunction that derives
from siblings’ rivalry from when we were children. My parents are fully aware
of this dysfunction, and even when we were children, they knew it was not a
normal thing. However, they have failed to find ways to resolve the issues
between the siblings. There were not any consequences for my sister for when
she routinely, physically abused me. All that my parents said to me was, “If
you don’t want to get beaten, then you shouldn’t be around her!” That was it!
No justification or punishment. No structure or consequences. Boundaries were
crossed, but my sister was never told that she crossed the lines. Therefore,
this extended family of mine will continue to be dysfunctional if all members
refuse to resolve the ongoing issues. And the most ironic fact of this matter
is, both of my sisters are social workers with a master’s degree working with
abused children in the community. This is just one example of a dysfunctional
family. Not to mention, the influences of the Cambodian culture amongst my
parents and the fact that they are uneducated as to how to resolve the issues
within the family.
Therefore, as nurses of the community, when the
opportunity is appropriate, we must assess the family’s functionalities. We
need to be cognizant of any issues that members of the family face; we need to
be able to identify them, and coordinate a plan of action to proactively work
towards a healthy, functional family. Because when a family is functional, the
derivatives of that family, in other words, members from that family is able to
contribute positively, so to people in this society. These individuals shall
carry their values and perspectives of a healthy family and be able to relate
that kind of healthy relationship to others in this society. To say the least,
I am a bit leery of how my sisters counsel families in the community when they
personally, are unable to define a functional family and what it takes to be of
a functional family.
Connell, C. (2010) Multicultural perspectives and
considerations within structural family therapy: The premises of structure,
subsystems, and boundaries. InSight: River Academic Journal 2(6).
Retrieved from
Vetere, A. (2001). Structural family therapy. Child
& Adolescent Mental Health, 6(3), 133-139. doi:10.1111/1475-3588.00336