Saturday, March 14, 2015

Answered Prayer...What's Next?

Life’s tough decisions are not only dependent upon our experiences, knowledge, and wisdom, but weighs heavily, first and foremost on prayers and our communion with God--just as how Ezra and Nehemiah have displayed in their lives. Nehemiah prayed at any time, even while he was talking with others. He knew that God is always in charge, is always present, and hears and answers every prayer. And, through his in-depth prayers, he established an intimate relationship with God. 

Ezra was the same way when it came to prayers. He knew God's promises to protect his people, but he did not take them for granted. He also knew that God's blessings are appropriated through prayer, so Ezra and the people humbled themselves by fasting and praying, "So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer" (Ezra 8:23, NIV).

Too often we pray quickly and superficially. Instead, we should pray seriously requiring forethought and concentration. It puts us in touch with God's will. In doing so, we also open up our hearts to God. Though He has promised to search our hearts as stated in Jeremiah 17:4 (NIV), "I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve"...let's make it easy for Him by communicating with Him our deepest thoughts and concerns. 

I remember when I first became a Christian at 15 years old—my prayers were short and vague. I am sure that God heard my prayers and they may have been answered, but in a vague manner. So, I did not really understand whether they got answered or went unanswered. Who knew? If my prayer was “Lord, help me get this job.” And, I got the job. My next question was then, “Hmmm! Did you really want for me to be here, God?” I wouldn’t know that either. And, to answer that question—I am sure He wanted for me to be there. And, that was my first job at KFC. The job that led me to one of the strongest Christian women I have met in my life, thus far. Linda Lemmons. I still speak and think of her dearly along with the influences and impact she had on my life at that time. She empowered me. At just 16 years of age, she asked me if I wanted to be a training manager after having worked for her for only 8 months, part-time hours because along with a job, I had to focus in school. It was even more challenging because I was in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program requiring much more study time. But, Linda had every Sunday off. And, that time was the time she set aside to worship God and involve in fellowship at her church. She was oh so inspiring to me!! There’s more about this Linda that I will continue to mention here and there in my blog entries.

Speaking of jobs…recently, I have made the decision that it was time for me to move on from my current job. Mainly for the purposes of growth and the opportunity to work in a bigger hospital that has the status of being a Level 2 Trauma medical center. What this means to me is that I will be trained in the operating room to scrub and circulate as a nurse in neurology and trauma cases after major accidents and so forth. I will also be involved in other surgical cases, of course. But, this is what I would love to learn. God knows the desires of my heart because I have shared them with Him.

I applied to the position and received a phone call to arrange a phone interview with the OR manager. The phone interview took place. I shared with Ty my job experiences and a little bit about me in regards to my professional goals, desires, and so forth. At the end of the phone interview, Ty asked, “Seda, I am interested in moving this process forward, are you still interested in us?” My answer was, “Of course, I had been pursuing a job with your hospital for two years now.” In my heart, I really asked, “Who would ask me that? If I am still interested? Of course, I am. Of course.” That question he had for me just shows how much respect had been given to the kind of experiences that I have and to the person he was getting to know. It was also a boost of confidence for me because it was a gentle acknowledgement of... "Just-so-you-know, you have something valuable to offer to the company." Such a great feeling!

The next morning, another manager, Carol called me—someone I had been communicating with for the past 2 years about obtaining a position in her department.  A panel interview was arranged. She said it will happen on her day off but she is going to come in anyway because she’d really like to meet me in person especially after two years of corresponding with each other.

Prior to the panel interview, I prayed a very specific prayer to God. It went something like this:

Heavenly Father, You are omnipotent and omnipresent. I rely heavily on You to guide me and point me in the right direction. You know what is best for me. And, if John Muir is better for me and You have plans for me to be there as an employee, then please show me by making this interviewing process and obtaining this job as easy as it can be. If it isn’t the place You desire for me to be, then throw in obstacles! Make me work hard to get this job. Create heavy traffic on my way to the interview and make me late for it because You know that that is possible especially on that freeway. Give me a sign, God! I desire to make decisions according to Your will. I long to hear from You, I long to hear Your voice, and I long to see You someday in Heaven. Thank You for Your unfailing love. I love You!
--In Jesus’ name and for Your Glory, I pray—Amen!

So, the interview happened. It seemed so unreal! I got to meet a few people in the lounge prior to the interview. They were kind and supportive. Friendly and warm. The interview went absolutely well. It was easy for me to open up my heart to the managers and staff nurse who were there. I felt like I have known these people for quite sometime because they understood my humor. Thereafter, Carol, the manager whom I had been connecting with from two years ago walked me to Human Resources. On our way there, we talked and laughed. Then she said, “There is another person I would like for you to meet and be interviewed by, her name is Jill.” She sent me off and told me she would contact me by the end of next week or the following Monday. 

I got to meet and talk with Jill for another hour. She told me that this rarely happens. Usually, after the panel interview, that is it for the candidate. There is no meeting or interviewing with anyone from HR. We chatted and got to know each other. We even got to talk about our 10-year-old daughters and the life-changes that are happening.  Oh boy! The things we have to look forward to. With Jill, I also shared the rewarding experiences I have had working as an operating room nurse. One of which includes the few times when I was asked by my patients while interviewing them if I can pray for them before going into the operating room. Sidebar: I was more than happy to and so we prayed. I felt like I played a big part in helping my patients to experience peace, protection, and love from our God during their surgeries. Back to Jill: she smiled and we got to chat some more. The interview came to an end after 2.5 hours or so spent at John Muir Medical Center!

The following week, on Tuesday morning, I received a voice message from Jill while at work requesting for my permission to run a background check and for a list of professional references. Wow! I thought. That was fast and easy! I was told that I would hear back by the end of the week or the following Monday. But, it’s only Tuesday!

Since then, I have been struggling with this decision as to whether or not I should leave San Ramon Regional Medical Center and go work for John Muir Medical Center. And, I keep hearing that still, small voice saying, “Seda, you asked, you have received. Now accept it with both hands.” "Don't be afraid," he said. "Take courage! I am here!" (Mark 6:50, NIV) It is such a tough decision to make because since the possibility of me leaving San Ramon Regional was made public, I have been offered another chance for the hospital to make it right for me. A few conversations and meetings with surgeons, director of perioperative services, and manager later, I am now left in this state of contemplation.

What I do know is that after my meeting with God, having my prayers answered through that still small voice, Beth Moore’s Bible Study session this past Wednesday with some of the women from my church, prayers from girlfriends whom I have met for the first time at the California Women’s Retreat in San Ramon, the godly counsel of my girlfriend Linda (not the other Linda who was my former manager at KFC) this past Tuesday, and the daily devotions that I have received in my email inbox…is that God wants for me to take up the job offer from John Muir Medical Center. I do know that I will gain further knowledge and skills among other factors, but I do know also that God has greater plans for me. And, I have yet to find those out.

I am overwhelmed by God’s love and blessings (in a great way)—all that I can say is, “From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another” (John 1:16, NIV).

Thank You God for your blessings! So, girlfriends…open up your hearts to His counsel whether it is through prayers, godly girlfriends, the Bible, daily devotions, or worship songs. Pray to Him and ask Him for wisdom especially when it comes to making huge and drastic decisions. And most importantly, listen to that still, small voice of His truth--for when you trust and believe in Him and the plans that He has for you…those blessings shall continue to come, one after another! Yet, the greatest blessing that I look forward to is that one day...I will be spending eternal life in heaven with Him with Jesus sitting at His right hand…Oh, how I long for that day!

I would like to close this entry with a scripture I received from Susan Hasekamp, Pastor Ken's wife in our prayer together...

"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ--to the glory and praise of God." --Philippians 1:9-11, NIV

Love, Seda

To be continued…

(Courtesy of

Let's take a look at the wonderful weekend I had at California Women's Retreat (CWR) 2015:

This is Linda and I. She is THE Woman who invited me to CWR. Next year, we will be part of the Hospitality Team! Wahoo!!

Julie, Joy, and Nell. I had the honor of sitting with them during the retreat. They attend Trinity Baptist Church of Livermore, CA with Linda. Amazing women! Julie flew all the way over to the area from Alabama. She does this every year! Praise God! 

Our dining setup for lunch on Saturday, February 28th. Iced tea, coffee, and a whole lot of worshiping our Lord preparing some of us for water aerobics that afternoon--so much fun!

The flower basket I won from California Women's Retreat. The purple tag says 'Courage'. My 'Key to Courage Basket'...4 weeks later. Still beautiful. :)

Say cheese! :D A selfie of my crazy family in Columbia, CA...a week after the retreat. Thanks for keeping it all together while I was away for the weekend--as I knew you would. You guys rock! Love you so! ♥