Monday, February 1, 2016

Welcoming February

It is the first of the month...the month of February, the shortest month of all, but this year, we get an extra day. I am always excited about new beginnings...a new month, a new week, a new day, a new job, a new chapter...and the list goes on.

Today is the beginning of a new month and even a new Bible Study with some of the ladies from Adventure Christian Church. We are focusing on Beth Moore's Study entitled Living Beyond Yourself based on the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23. It is such an awesome topic of study in the Bible. I've been meaning to study this on my own, but as my excuse would go...we've been crazy busy here at home--especially with contractors in and out to repair things around here, paperwork needing to be sent to the loan originator for a new home, and signing the agreement to selling this home and a separate agreement to purchasing the new home. (I still think it's a good enough excuse to putting off studying the Fruit of the Spirit.) But, as God would have it, this is the chosen topic of Bible Study this spring season. What excuses do you have now, Seda? (smiles God)... And, even better, I am doing it with a small group rather than all alone.

Back to the beginning of this new day, this new week, and this new morning started with getting up out of bed and encouraging myself to be joyful and loving as it is a grand new day! And, something else to celebrate...I get to have the day off from work! Boy, what am I going to do with all my time? I already had a schedule in my head...but, as the morning kicked off, I just kept going and surprises kept rolling in!

Walked to school with a grumpy 5th grader who just got lectured and a supportive husband on a very windy, but sunny morning.

Came back home and saw my husband off to work.

Made a cup of coffee for myself, blasted Chip Ingram's sermon on the surround sound system at home while juggling laundry, dishes, making beds, putting things away and tidying things up. What a pain it is to try and sell a home that is lived-in! I have to police the family and make sure they put things away after they are done using them, and always being ready for our agent to show the house to anyone at any given time. This is the chapter that I can't wait to see it come to fruition.

Went to bible study at 10 a.m. and mingled with the gals for a few minutes after the study.

Picked up lunch for my husband as I have promised.

Rushed back home to make sure that the house is spic and span because it is picture day for the house at 2pm. A surprise 2-hour notice from our agent. Yes, of course it would be okay. Sure...we can get it done...

Picked up Jewels from school--walking and praying, hoping that the grumpy girl has turned her mood. Hoping that the grumpy girl understood and thought about the violations she made and that she now desires to do the good and right thing--all the time!

What a high expectation I have for her even though I am fully aware that she is changing, and transitioning into this really rough phase in her life...tween life...the in-between phase into teenage-hood and then into young adulthood. And, she is only human. We all have made mistakes, we all have sinned. But, let's hope that we have learned from those mistakes. Oh my...what a struggle--I thought...when I woke up this morning to find that the Jewels slept with her iPod. Broken rule of this Vash House!

That's it! iPod has been locked in our security box, and she will not get to see it for a week, maybe two...I'm still contemplating :/

And, now, the family is all together again...let's start this all over again and welcome February with a positive attitude, an open mind and heart to God and His great energy. For without His energy today, without His help, without His guidance, and without His love, I would not have been able to do what I have done today. I pray for understanding as to what my daughter is going through and what she needs from me, Father. I pray that she seeks You first. I pray for knowledge and wisdom to help her transition into this new phase in her life in a healthy way, Lord. I am desperate for Your help with everything, and in this season of my life...I especially need Your guidance and help with how to be a better mother.

Let's pray:

Father, may we welcome new beginnings with an open heart and an open mind, but above all else, may we welcome You into our lives every minute of every day. Please remind us that we are weak without You. And, that when we are broken, we must come to You for your help to put us back together again because You are the Creator. You are the only One who knows how to fix us. You are the Great Healer, the Great Physician. May Your Holy Spirit move us to do the good and right thing with love and joy even when it means "living beyond ourselves" as Beth Moore had mentioned. Thank you for loving me...

In Your Son's name I pray, Amen