Lately, I have been quite frustrated with the way things are
going at church. Yes, I’ll be absolutely honest. I just don’t feel like we are
moving and growing spiritually as a church. Maybe, it’s just me because my
husband appears enthusiastic, encouraged, and motivated after service every
Sunday. I mean every Sunday! As soon as we leave church and get into our car on
our way to brunch, he is just filled with emotions and excitement on what he
has learned that he cannot wait and hold off on saying something before we even
leave the parking lot. I used to be that way; I had that kind of enthusiasm.
But, now…what happened? Instead, I find myself doodling on the sermon notes in
church while pastor is preaching. I used to take notes vigorously and
throughout the week I would go through what I’ve learned from pastor and try to
apply it to my daily living. Some weeks, those notes and lessons were so worth
sharing that I would try and relive and retell the sermon to my friend Linda.
I have felt restless lately as though I’ve heard our pastor
preaching on that same topic or subject last year and the year before and the
year before that. But, I know and would like to acknowledge that each time I
hear it, he presents it in a different light and approach. This is truly valid
because some require hearing it in a different analogy, perspective, or angle.
Just like in the Bible, the writers reiterated many times on the same topics over
and over but in a different time, place, and environment. So, the question
remains—shouldn’t I still be able to relate? Like how seasons change in our
lives? So, shouldn’t something else in the sermon stand out at me and speak to
my heart? Maybe I really am not paying attention or opening up my heart to God.
Maybe I need to wake up the Holy Spirit that is supposed to be alive in me.
And, my final question is: am I in a stagnant phase,
spiritually speaking, or am I ready for the next thing as a maturing Christian?
I have asked God, I have communed with Him, and I’ve shared this with my wise
and godly counsel and sister in Christ, Linda. Currently, I am in the “Spiritual
Spinning Class.” Maybe I am just waiting for my husband to catch up while I
build spiritual endurance by getting into The Word daily, hearing and soaking in
what Pastor Ken has to share on Sunday mornings (after all, he has been
anointed by God and given the gift of the Holy Spirit to speak to us so we can
grow in Christ and have an everlasting relationship with Him), listening to
other great pastors out there like Chip Ingram, Pastor Paul of Fremont, CA, and
Rick Warren, and most importantly, by rejoicing in the Lord always by prayer
and petition (Philippians 4:4-9, NIV). As I keep in step with all of these
points of obedience in love, I am surely on the right path of spiritual growth
and endurance. I don’t know what race or marathon God is preparing me for with
this spiritual spinning class, but I am absolutely excited!
Let’s pray: Dear Heavenly Father, the Creator of this
Universe, and the Planner of all things that go on in life— I come to You today
asking for help and guidance to be in your will, your love, and your holy
presence. I know that sometimes, Lord, I get distracted thinking that I have
already ran that marathon, but may You open up my heart to many more marathons
for You. And, You know that in order for me to run my marathon well, I need
spiritual endurance. May You continue to grow me spiritually by coming to You
and depending on You more and more that I cannot go on in this world without
You because I am so dependent upon You. This is what You want, this is your
will! Let my mornings be filled with excitement when I come to You as I seek
for help from You for each and every day. I love You—and may that love be
radiated to those around me.
In your Son’s great and glorious name I pray, Amen.
Let me close with this wonderful scripture (a favorite of
mine) JoJo Garcia has shared with me this morning after service (November 5th,
2017): “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love
God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”—Romans 8:28 NKJV