Thursday, July 20, 2017

Perception Matters Much

We are faced with circumstances on a daily basis--in our relationships with our families, children, coworkers, friends and acquaintances. The tendency is to complain about what we go through, as if we're the only ones going through the situation. News flash! You are not the only one walking this planet.

My most recent goal has been to be intentional about being filled with joy and contentment no matter the circumstance. Boy, has it been a difficult mission! I want to be like the apostle Paul minus all the horrible and inhumane things he went through. I want the easy way. But, then God says, "Seda, how will you appreciate Me if I don't give you this to deal with or that to think about? Do you doubt me? Watch and see how I will carry you through!"

He is certainly right! Because, boy, am I convicted when I face a difficult circumstance and wonder how I got through it without further and permanent damage! I look up to God and thank Him for carrying me through.

Back to the point, yes, I want to be like Paul but without all the inconvenience--the pain, suffering, and torture. And, like Jesus when He walked this earth. Jesus faced many, many trials and accusations. And, the false accusation of blasphemy was why the Pharisees took away His life and crucified Him. Many times in our lives, we will be persecuted, but how will we rise from it? Will we fight back with resistance and with how we've been treated or how God asks for us to--which are with love and prayers?

Paul said to the Philippians (4:12), "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." To be wise, filled with knowledge, certainty, and the Holy Spirit like him would require a whole lot of trials and tribulations. It is through those difficult times that produced character and wisdom in Paul.

I admire how Paul dealt with the circumstances he faced in his lifetime. Most of all, I admire his perception. As long as we can get our perception focused on the one truth and that truth is that we already have "great gain" according to Pastor Bill Craig of Trinity Baptist Church of Livermore, California--we are GOOD! That great gain is having our Savior, and personally knowing who He is. So take advantage of this relationship and appreciate it by building a stronger and stronger relationship with Him. Paul has concluded that he has learned the secret of being content in any and every situation because he acknowledged that he had already been given great gain and that is the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives--the gift we received from God for the fact that Christ could no longer walk this earth with us, but He is walking in us--in our bodies, the holy temple for which the Holy Spirit resides.

To elaborate on Pastor Craig's previous teaching, we are beyond blessed. And,when we realize this--we start to be more thankful of what we already have. We've been redeemed, forgiven, saved, and accepted into His kingdom. Did you know that we are adopted children of His? That means He already paid that full price of adoption for us and we are His children.

Let's live like we are His children--by first accepting His love, accepting Him into our lives, confessing that He is the One, True God and love Him. Reciprocate that love back to Him. And, then we must love our neighbor as ourselves, His second command for us (Matthew 22:36-39).

Are we privileged or what?

We are beyond blessed brothers and sisters--let's live with that knowledge and purpose in mind.

You are His.

My other great gain!